Friday, September 1, 2023

Favorite Sources for My News

 I don’t usually go out of my way for news about anything I’m interested in, but there are several places that I do get some of my information from, in no particular order:

5. Austin John Plays

Austin John Plays is a YouTuber who focuses primarily on different Nintendo video games, dating back to his first video back in March 20th, 2017 about some tips for a game on the Nintendo 3ds to present day where he releases tips and information on Nintendo Switch Games. He shows his information to be sourced out, while leaving links in his descriptions and giving out credit, he acts more like a hub rather than a direct source. I rely on his video every now and then because of how straightforward they can be, he gets to the point and makes the information easier to understand.

4. X

X, previously known as Twitter, is another location where I get my news and information from. While it’s the farthest place to acquire good/sound information from, it’s as good a place as any to scroll through and begin searching for information, as it can show me where to start looking.


BLAINES is a YouTube channel that focuses solely on Pokémon content, which includes going over new information that comes out about present or future games, having guides and doing giveaways. He apparently has direct connections which is how he gains his information to then share but there is no real way of proving or disproving it. His videos are incredibly helpful when I’m in need of them.

2. PS5Trophies

PS5Trophies is once again, a YouTube channel that I follow for information. This one is more of guide and tutorial than it is a news hub, but it still contains some information about up and coming PlayStation games. This channel is one of my favorites because I love to 100% games, so when I’m stuck this channel helps me quite a bit.

1. IGN

A major hub for all sorts of information, IGN is the last one to talk about. IGN is a video game and entertainment website that goes over essentially what all the previous sources go over and more. All the reasons as to why I use other sources apply here. To learn about upcoming games, for guides, information about games or other media. Being one of the most famous media information hub, even being allowed to give reviews for games and play them early, IGN has proven itself to be reputable so I continue to glance at it every now and then when need be.

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